develop Better Habits in 2018.

Happy Morning 

*Take action to develop Better Habits in 2018.*

The first step is to make a list of habits that keep you _unproductive_ or that might _negatively impact_ your future.

Ask others to help you objectively identify *what they believe are your limiting habits.

Most common unsuccessful habits include:

• Procrastinating
• Paying bills _at the last minute._
• Not delivering on promised documents and services in a timely manner.
• Letting receivables get overdue.
• Arriving late for meetings and appointments
• Forgetting someone's name within seconds of being introduced.
• Talking over others' comments, instead of listening.
• Answering the telephone during family time or spouse time.
• Handling the mails more than once.
• Working late.
• Taking phone along to toilet and bathroom and playing games or scrolling through WhatsApp instead of taking bath.
• Watching television till late night.
• Getting up late every day. Sleeping beyond Sunrise.
• Having fast-food meals more than 2-days a week.

Once you have identified your negative habits, the _second step_ is to *choose, a better, more productive success habit* and develop systems that will help support them.

Remember, _Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise._ This is *true* even in this modern times. 

Remember to include *God and Gratitude* in your daily agenda in 2018 *consciously.*

 Wishing you a Super Successful, Eventful & Happy Morning 
Credit goes to 
*Govind Valmikki Shandilya*

develop Better Habits in 2018. develop Better Habits in 2018. Reviewed by deepakrajsimple on February 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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