Meridian diagnosis
The following symptoms are signs which apply only to the specific meridian, organ
symptoms have been left out. In addition to the following clinical manifestations, any pain, heat or coldness, numbness, stiffness, knots, tingling, aches, redness, or any other sign along the course of a meridian is also an obvious meridian symptom.
Lungs (hand Taiyin) → External pathogenic invasion, accumulation of Lung heat: i.e. fever, aversion to cold, stuffiness of the chest, pain in the clavicle, shoulders & arms.
Large Intestine (hand Yangming) → Wind/cold/damp blockage, accumulation of heat:i.e. sore throat, toothache, epistaxis (nosebleed), runny nose, swollen & painful gums,swollen eyes
Stomach (foot Yangming) → External pathogenic invasion, Stomach heat rebelling: i.e.pain in the eyes, epistaxis (nosebleed), swelling of neck, facial paralysis, cold legs & feet
Spleen (foot Taiyin) → Wind/cold/damp, heat rebelling: i.e. vaginal discharge,
weakness of the leg muscles, tongue stiffness/pain
Heart (hand Shaoyin) → Wind/cold/damp blockage, heat rebelling: i.e. pain in the eyes,
pain on the inner side of the arm, pain along the scapula, eye jaundice, tongue ulcers, pyogenic infections
Small Intestine (hand Taiyang) → External pathogenic invasion, heat rebelling: i.e. pain &/or stiffness of the neck &/or elbow, red eyes, sore throat, mandible swelling, ear trouble.
Bladder (foot Taiyang) → Wind/cold/damp blockage, heat rebelling: i.e. fever &
aversion to cold, headache, stiff neck, pain in lower back &/or eyes, pain in the posterior leg, hard to bend, nosebleed, hemorrhoids
Kidneys (foot Shaoyin) → Cold: i.e. pain in lower back &/or sole of foot
Pericardium (hand Jueyin) → Cold, heat, Liver Qi stagnation: i.e. stiff neck, contraction of elbow or hand, Bi and Wei syndromes, armpit swelling, hot palms, chest pain, shaking arms (anger)
San Jiao (hand Shaoyang) → Wind/cold/damp, heat: i.e. sore throat, scrofula, goiter, axillary swelling, pain in the elbow, alternation of chills & fever, deafness, pain & discharge from the ear, pain at the top of the shoulders
Gallbladder (foot Shaoyang) → Cold stagnation, heat rebelling: i.e. alternation of chills & fever, headache, deafness, pain in hip & lateral side of legs, pain & distension of breasts, difficult leg movements, 4th and 5th toe disorders, inner ear pain, migraine, bitter taste
Liver (foot Jueyin) → Cold stagnation, Wind Fire rebelling: i.e. headache, pain &
swelling of the eye, leg cramps, pain in side of lower abdomen, hernia, one sided
testicle pain radiating to low abdomen, dizziness, blurred vision, eyelid twitching,
difficulty swallowing, facial deviation
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24 घंटे सेवा उपलब्ध
योग आयुर्वेद और एक्यूप्रेशर के स्थायी ट्रेनिंग ग्रुप में आप 500 रुपये प्रतिवर्ष का पेमेंट करके जुड़ सकते हैं। जिसमे बीमारियों के बारे ट्रेनिंग और डिस्कस भी होगा। फ्रेशर्स और एक्सपर्ट्स दोनो का स्वागत है।
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