what these few organs are afraid of?

*Please remember what these few organs are afraid of?*
Kidney: Afraid to stay up all night.

Stomach: Afraid of the cold food. 

Lung: Afraid of smoke.

Liver: Afraid of fatty stuff.

Heart: Afraid of salty food. 

Pancreas: Afraid of binge eating.

Intestinal: Afraid of eating seafood indiscriminately.

Eyes: Afraid of mobile phones and computers screens. 

Gallbladder: Afraid of not eating breakfast.

So please take real good care of yourself!

Because spare parts may not fit. 

They are very expensive and not necessarily in stock.

what these few organs are afraid of? what these few organs are afraid of? Reviewed by deepakrajsimple on April 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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